NameCall Of Duty 5: Dome
Total Kills3106
Total Suicides51
Total Teamkills3
Red Army vs Wehrmacht

A close quarters battle atop the Reichstadt dome gives you know time to think but plenty of time to die.
# Player Kills Deaths Team Kills Suicides
1 R3dh0t 292 157 0 2
2 [SaR]MikelMahou 153 289 0 0
3 DustyActual 14 14 0 0
4 [DR]MikelMahou 14 17 0 0
5 Jayous 10 8 0 0
6 Siouxsies_ 7 11 0 0
7 Grissimk 3 2 0 1
8 MikelMahou 2 0 0 0
9 von_drakes 0 1 0 0
10 Cartoon812 0 1 0 0
11 Horrormaster 0 2 0 0