Round 9 Call Of Duty 5: Deathmatch

Time Played16:12
Team Kills0
# Player Score Skill Kills Deaths Suicides Team
Main Weapon
1 [DR]MikelMahou 0.1 18.0 9 8 0 0 15:45
Call Of Duty 5: Springfield
# Player Score Skill Kills Deaths Suicides Team
Main Weapon
1 [DR]MikelMahou 0.1 18.0 9 8 0 0 15:45
Call Of Duty 5: Springfield
2 DustyActual -0.2 16.0 8 9 0 0 15:56
Call Of Duty 5: Type 99 Rifle (Bayonet)
Leaving The Battlefield Early Soldiers?
# Player Score Skill Kills Deaths Suicides Team
Main Weapon
DustyActual are you from Spain?
[DR]MikelMahou !scream Dusty Wins!
[DR]MikelMahou t yeo i am
DustyActual Yeah i noticed the accent hah
DustyActual I can understand spanish don't worry, I speak spanish with my parents
DustyActual yeah im hispanic
DustyActual si
DustyActual hehe
DustyActual my written spanish isn
DustyActual but i can understand what you're saying haha
DustyActual Russian is a hard lanaguge to learn
DustyActual right
DustyActual The basque language is a completely different language
DustyActual right lol
DustyActual i cant even understand basque
DustyActual Yes i think i remember you on snr
DustyActual im just trying to have a good time on world at war, snr is one of my favorite servers
DustyActual maybe DustyActual is Mikel
DustyActual haha
DustyActual i don't know why i have a low ping,
DustyActual thats right
DustyActual what, i thought the server was located where jw lives
DustyActual ohhh
DustyActual oh i didnt know that
DustyActual nice shot
DustyActual from the back hehe
[DR]MikelMahou !locate dusty
DustyActual yeah i see
DustyActual im close to new york
DustyActual everyone else in snr has high ping
DustyActual right, its an old game
DustyActual hahah
DustyActual When i play CTF on snr, i like to troll everyone with bouncing betties
DustyActual yeah right
DustyActual havnet been banned yet
DustyActual hehe
DustyActual what's weird is that belvedere knew my real name
DustyActual and i've never told him
DustyActual i dont know if he just guessed it
DustyActual pretty weird
DustyActual yeah i dont know anyone in snr personally
DustyActual maybe